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SEDA College Live Classes
Live Class 18/03/2020 - Greetings; I and You; Numbers; Days of the week
Live Class 19/03/2020 - Verb be (singular): He, She, It; Countries
Live Class 20/03/2020 - Verb be (plural): we, you, they; Nationalities.
Live Class 23/03/2020 - Wh - How questions with be; Numbers 11-100.
Live Class 24/03/2020 - Singular and plural nouns; A and AN; Small things - everyday objects.
Live Class 25/03/2020 - This / That; These / Those; Souvenirs.
Live Class 26/03/2020 - Possessive adjectives; Vocabulary related to people and family.
Live Class 27/03/2020 - Adjectives; colours and common adjectives.
Live Class 30/03/2020 - Present simple (affirmative and negative); Food and drink vocabulary.
Live Class 31/03/2020 - Present simple (questions ); Common verb phrases
Live Class 01/04/2020 - Present simple (he, she, it) Jobs and places of work.
Live Class 02/04/2020 - Adverbs of frequency + routine
Live Class 03/04/2020 - Word order in questions (be and present simple); Sports and free time
Live Class 06/04/2020 - Imperatives; object pronouns (me, him, etc) Types of films.
Live Class 07/04/2020 - Can and can’t + verb phrases
Live Class 08/04/2020 - Like / love / hate + verb + ing Sport activities
Live Class 09/04/2020 - Present continuous + travelling vocabulary
Live Class 14/04/2020 - Present simple x present continuous; Clothes vocabulary
Live Class 15/04/2020 - There is / There are; Vocab: hotels and prepositions (34:32)
Live Class 16/04/2020 - Famous People; Past Simple: Be (34:08)
Live Class 17/04/2020 - Past Simple (33:02)
Live Class 20/04/2020 - Past Simple Irregular verbs (had, get, go, do) Vocabulary: daily routine (37:09)
Live Class 21/04/2020 - Reading + past simple irregular verbs
Live Class 22/04/2020 - Past Simple review: regular and irregular verbs
Live Class 23/04/2020 - Review Present Simple x Present Continuous (33:42)
Live Class 24/04/2020 - Present continuous for future (30:17)
Live Class 27/04/2020 - Alphabet - Animal vocabulary - spelling (31:38)
Live Class 28/04/2020 - English vowel sounds - Personal Information - Spelling (37:02)
Live Class 29/04/2020 - English vowel sounds - - Family members - Physical description - Asking questions using verb to be (32:31)
Live Class 30/04/2020 - Daily routine - Prepositions in. on, at
Live Class 01/05/2020 - Freetime activities - Asking questions with do/does
Live Class 18/03/2020 - Review on Nouns, Pronouns, Personal pronouns; Possessive adjectives; Greetings
Live Class 19/03/2020 - Present tense Verb BE +; Subject Pronouns; Numbers 0 -20
Live Class 20/03/2020 - Present tense: Verb BE+ Negatives & Questions Numbers 21-100 Days of the week
Live Class 23/03/2020 - Present tense: Verb BE+ Negatives & Questions Vocabulary: The world
Live Class 24/03/2020 - Possessive adjectives; a/an, plurals; Vocabulary: Classroom language
Live Class 25/03/2020 - This/ that/ these/ those; Vocabulary
Live Class 26/03/2020 - Adjectives; Modifiers: quite/really/ very; Colours
Live Class 27/03/2020 - Colours; Adjectives; Modifiers: very/ really, quite
Live Class 30/03/2020 - Travelling part 3; Plurals & This/That/ These/Those
Live Class 31/03/2020 - Colours & modifiers Quite/ Very/ Really - Adjectives
Live Class 01/04/2020 - Feelings; Imperatives & Let’s
Live Class 02/04/2020 - Quite/Very/ Really & adjectives
Live Class 03/04/2020 - Review: Feelings, Imperatives & Let’s
Live Class 06/04/2020 - Verb Phrases; Present Simple: Positive & Negative Forms
Live Class 07/04/2020 - Jobs; Present Simple: Question Form
Live Class 08/04/2020 - Question Words; Word order in Questions
Live Class 09/04/2020 - Big Review: - Present Simple Positive, Negative & Question Forms - Question Words & Word order in Questions
Live Class 14/04/2020 - Pronunciation: Vowel sounds & word stress
Live Class 15/04/2020 - Pronunciation: the /ə/ sound
Live Class 16/04/2020 - Pronunciation: The alphabet
Live Class 17/04/2020 - Pronunciation: final S & ES
Live Class 20/04/2020 - Review: Word order in Phrases: Presente Simple (Positive, Negative & Questions)
Live Class 21/04/2020 - Whose…? & possessive (‘s)
Live Class 22/04/2020 - Prepositions of time & place (at, in, on) & (at, in, to)
Live Class 23/04/2020 - Review; Whose…? & possessive (‘s)
Live Class 24/04/2020 - Review: Prepositions of time & place (at, in, on) & (at, in, to) (43:59)
Live Class 27/04/2020 - Adverbs & Expressions of Frequency + Word order
Live Class 28/04/2020 - can / can’t & telling time (48:01)
Live Class 29/04/2020 - Review & Exercises of Whose, Possession ‘s / Prepositions of Time and Place
Live Class 30/04/2020 - Review & Exercises: Adverbs & Expressions of Frequency
Live Class 01/05/2020 - Review & Exercises: can / can’t + Telling Time
Live Class 18/03/2020 - Word order in questions; Common Verbs Phrases and Numbers
Live Class 19/03/2020 - Present Simple; Describing people
Live Class 20/03/2020 - Present Continuous; Clothes
Live Class 23/03/2020 - Past Simple: Regular and Irregular Verbs; Holidays
Live Class 24/03/2020 - Past Continuous; Prepositions of time and place: at, in, on
Live Class 25/03/2020 - Time Sequences and Connections Verb Phrases
Live Class 26/03/2020 - Be Going to (Pans and Predictions) Airports
Live Class 27/03/2020 - Present Continuous; Verb and Prepositions e.g. arrive in
Live Class 30/03/2020 - Defining Relative Clauses Housework, make or do
Live Class 31/03/2020 - Present Perfect or Past Simple?; Shopping
Live Class 01/04/2020 - Something, anything, nothing etc; Adjectives ending -ed and -ing
Live Class 02/04/2020 - Comparative adjectives and adverbs, as … as; Time expressions
Live Class 03/04/2020 - Superlatives; Describing a town or city
Live Class 06/04/2020 - Quantifiers, too, not enough; Health and the body
Live Class 07/04/2020 - Will / won’t predictions; Opposite verbs
Live Class 08/04/2020 - Will/won’t (decisions, offers, promises); Verb + back
Live Class 09/04/2020 - Uses of infinitives with to; Verbs + infinitive: try to, forget to, etc
Live Class 14/04/2020 - Uses of gerund (verb + ing); Verbs + gerund
Live Class 15/04/2020 - Have / Has
Live Class 16/04/2020 - Should & Get
Live Class 17/04/2020 - First Conditional, confusing verbs
Live Class 20/04/2020 - Possessive Pronouns; Adverbs of Manner
Live Class 21/04/2020 - Second Conditional; Animals
Live Class 22/04/2020 - Present Perfect + for or since Phobias and words related to fear
Live Class 23/04/2020 - Present Perfect or Past Simple; Phrasal Verbs-Go
Live Class 24/04/2020 - Passive; School Subjects (18:34)
Live Class 27/04/2020 - Used to; weather
Live Class 28/04/2020 - Might; Word building: Noun formation
Live Class 29/04/2020 - Expressing movement; Sports
Live Class 30/04/2020 - Word Order of Phrasal Verbs; Phrasal Verbs
Live Class 01/05/2020 - So, neither + auxiliaries; Similarities
Live Class 18/03/2020 - Present simple & continuous; Food and cooking; Short and long vowels
Live Class 19/03/2020 - Future forms; Family and personality; Sentence stress
Live Class 20/03/2020 - Present perfect vs past simple; Money; Letter o pronunciation
Live Class 23/03/2020 - Present perfect + for/since; Strong adjectives; Sentence stress
Live Class 24/03/2020 - Comparatives and superlatives; Transport; Affricate pronunciation
Live Class 25/03/2020 - Articles; Collocations; The pronunciation
Live Class 26/03/2020 - Can, could, be able to; -ed vs -ing adjectives; Sentence stress
Live Class 27/03/2020 - Modals of obligation; Phone language; Silent consonants
Live Class 30/03/2020 - Past simple, past, continuous, and past perfect sport
Live Class 31/03/2020 - Usually and used to relationships
Live Class 01/04/2020 - Passive verbs; Cinema
Live Class 02/04/2020 - Modal verbs of deduction; The body
Live Class 03/04/2020 - First conditional and future time clauses; Education
Live Class 06/04/2020 - Second conditional; Houses
Live Class 07/04/2020 - Reported speech; Shopping and making nouns from verbs
Live Class 08/04/2020 - Gerunds and infinitives; Work
Live Class 09/04/2020 - Third conditional; Making adjectives and adverbs
Live Class 14/04/2020 - Quantifiers; Electronic devices and phrasal verbs
Live Class 15/04/2020 - Relative clauses
Live Class 16/04/2020 - Auxiliary Verbs and question tags
Live Class 17/04/2020 - Review
Live Class 20/04/2020 - Review of Past Tenses
Live Class 21/04/2020 - Future Tenses with “will’
Live Class 22/04/2020 - Sentence Structures
Live Class 23/04/2020 - Phrasal Verbs
Live Class 24/04/2020 - Causative ‘“have” and “get”
Live Class 27/04/2020 - What, when, where, and however.
Live Class 28/04/2020 - Mixed Conditionals
Live Class 29/04/2020 - Expressing preferences and reasons Agreeing and disagreeing
Live Class 30/04/2020 - Time conjunctions
Live Class 01/05/2020 - Comment Adverbs
Live Class 18/03/2020 - Interview questions; Question formation; Appropriate intonation when asking questions
Live Class 19/03/2020 - Extreme interview questions and relevant vocabulary
Live Class 20/03/2020 - Paranormal phenomena; Auxiliary verbs
Live Class 23/03/2020 - Handwriting and personality; Compound adjectives; The...the… + comparatives
Live Class 24/03/2020 - Illnesses and injuries; Pronunciation of specific sounds and word stress; Present perfect simple and continuous
Live Class 25/03/2020 - Cyberchondria; Writing an informal email
Live Class 26/03/2020 - The life of elderly; Adjectives to describe personality; Using adjectives as nouns; Adjective order
Live Class 27/03/2020 - Clothes and fashion; Vowel sounds Writing ads (40:41)
Live Class 30/03/2020 - Air travel vocabulary so/such...that
Live Class 31/03/2020 - Narrative tenses; Pronunciation of irregular past forms
Live Class 01/04/2020 - Position of adverbs; Writing short stories
Live Class 02/04/2020 - Reading habits (vocabulary, reading, listening)
Live Class 03/04/2020 - Ecology; Future perfect/Future continuous (42:32)
Live Class 06/04/2020 - Weather vocabulary; Pronunciation: vowel sounds
Live Class 07/04/2020 - Taking risks; Zero and first conditional; Sentence rhythm
Live Class 08/04/2020 - Risks of driving; Autonomous Vehicles; Quantifiers; Writing a for and against essay
Live Class 09/04/2020 - Feelings vocabulary -Unreal Conditionals -Writing an article giving tips
Live Class 14/04/2020 - Expressing annoyance; -wish+would; -ed/ing adjectives
Live Class 15/04/2020 - Regrets; - wish + past simple or past perfect
Live Class 16/04/2020 - Music vocabulary; Pronunciation of foreign words in English
Live Class 17/04/2020 - Psychology of music; Gerunds and Infinitives
Live Class 20/04/2020 - used to/be used to/get used to -Sentence stress and linking
Live Class 21/04/2020 - Sleeping: Vocabulary and pronunciation
Live Class 22/04/2020 - Arguing - Past modals
Live Class 23/04/2020 - would rather -verbs often confused
Live Class 24/04/2020 - verbs of senses - uses of “as”
Live Class 27/04/2020 - body vocabulary -pronouncing silent letters
Live Class 28/04/2020 - Writing: Describing a photo
Live Class 29/04/2020 - Crime and punishment - Pronouncing the letter “u”
Live Class 30/04/2020 - Passive voice
Live Class 01/05/2020 - Alternative passive forms with have and get
Live Class 18/03/2020 - Dependent Prepositions 1
Live Class 19/03/2020 - Dependent Prepositions 2
Live Class 20/03/2020 - Negative Prefixes im-, il-, and ir-
Live Class 23/03/2020 - Negative Prefixes Continued
Live Class 24/03/2020 - Phones/Technology
Live Class 25/03/2020 - Money: Vocabulary and phrasal verbs
Live Class 26/03/2020 - Work: Vocabulary and Phrasal verbs
Live Class 27/03/2020 - Reading Practice: Context Clues, scanning, and skimming
Live Class 30/03/2020 - Grammar review of terms: clause, subject, predicate and when to use infinitives
Live Class 31/03/2020 - Grammar: When to use gerunds
Live Class 01/04/2020 - Grammar: Conditionals
Live Class 02/04/2020 - Grammar: Future Perfect
Live Class 03/04/2020 - Grammar: Distancing- seem/appear
Live Class 06/04/2020 - Vocabulary: Cross; Cultural Communication
Live Class 07/04/2020 - Grammar: Speculation and Deduction; Modals
Live Class 08/04/2020 - Grammar: Adding Emphasis; Inversion
Live Class 09/04/2020 - Vocabulary: TV Series, Movies, and Streaming
Live Class 14/04/2020 - Top Vocabulary and Phrases for ‘Working from Home”
Live Class 15/04/2020 - Writing Part 1: “Structure and Function of Expository Form or Report” and “Developing Thoughts in Paragraphs
Live Class 16/04/2020 - Writing Part 1: “Structure and Function of Expository Form or Report” and “Developing Thoughts in Paragraphs
Live Class 17/04/2020 - Oral Presentation Skills
Live Class 20/04/2020 - Transition Words 1
Live Class 21/04/2020 - Transition Words 2
Live Class 22/04/2020 - V: Talking about TV
Live Class 23/04/2020 - G: Relative Pronouns and Relative Clauses
Live Class 24/04/2020 - Do you feel FOMO?
Live Class 27/04/2020 - What’s Your Specialty?- grammar and vocabulary for cooking
Live Class 28/04/2020 - Public Speaking: Part 1
Live Class 29/04/2020 - Public Speaking: Part 2
Live Class 30/04/2020 - Video Analysis: How to Productively Disagree in the Workplace, Part 1
Extra Class 1: Revision
Live Class 18/03/2020 - Overview of tenses
Live Class 19/03/2020 - Perfect tenses
Live Class 20/03/2020 - Continuous tenses
Live Class 23/03/2020 - Regional Accents
Live Class 24/03/2020 - 5 tips to improve your writing - Part 1
Live Class 25/03/2020 - Be and Have
Live Class 26/03/2020 - Reflecting on the verb ‘have’ and the verb ‘be’
Live Class 27/03/2020 - Quick tips to improve your pronunciation
Live Class 30/03/2020 - Why is learning English vocabulary so challenging?
Live Class 31/03/2020 - False Friends and Word Pairs
Live Class 01/04/2020 - Prefixes and Suffixes
Live Class 02/04/2020 - Present Simple
Live Class 03/04/2020 - Collocations (29:43)
Live Class 06/04/2020 - Confusing words (31:33)
Live Class 07/04/2020 - Useful Phrases for Conversation (28:56)
Live Class 08/04/2020 - Grammar: Adding Emphasis; Inversion
Live Class 09/04/2020 - Phrasal Verbs with On (28:51)
Live Class 14/04/2020 - Permission (31:27)
Live Class 15/04/2020 - Modal verbs: ability (25:53)
Live Class 17/04/2020 - Modal verbs: possibility and certainty (20:06)
Live Class 20/04/2020 - Food waste: article and vocabulary (27:41)
Live Class 21/04/2020 - Subject and Object Pronouns Review (28:53)
Live Class 22/04/2020 - Transitive x Intransitive verbs (16:18)
Live Class 24/04/20 - Dependent Prepositions (28:51)
Live Class 27/04/20 - Adjectives ED / ING (28:38)
Live Class 28/04/20 - Comparative and Superlative adjectives (27:05)
Extra Classe 2: Survival English
Live Class 18/03/2020 - At the airport
Live Class 20/03/2020 - At the restaurant
Live Class 23/03/2020 - Going to the doctor
Live Class 25/03/2020 - Describing position: maps, pictures, etc
Live Class 27/03/2020 - Asking for and giving directions
Live Class 30/03/2020 - Practical English for tourism
Live Class 01/04/2020 - English for emergencies
Live Class 03/04/2020 - At the hotel (27:47)
Live Class 06/04/2020 - At the supermarket (52:22)
Live Class 08/04/2020 - Shopping for clothes (29:09)
Live Class 15/04/2020 - On the phone (30:12)
Live Class 17/04/2020 - Replying / sending an email (24:22)
Live Class 20/04/2020 - English for entertainment and leisure (27:05)
Live Class 22/04/2020 - English for interviews (22:55)
Live Class 24/04/2020 - Street vocabulary: Greetings (18:25)
Live Class 27/04/2020 - Reading for real life situations: Job advertisement (24:00)
New Lecture
Live Class 16/04/2020 - Writing Part 1: “Structure and Function of Expository Form or Report” and “Developing Thoughts in Paragraphs
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