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Perfecting the Perfect Tenses
Welcome (0:14)
Introduction (3:04)
Participles (5:37)
Past Participles (5:16)
The Perfect Tenses
Present Perfect (4:08)
Present Perfect - Use 1 (4:15)
Present Perfect - Unspecified time before now (9:04)
Present Perfect - Use 2 (2:13)
Past perfect (4:12)
Past perfect - Use 2 (5:12)
Future perfect (4:10)
Future Perfect - Uses (3:23)
Active / Passive forms and the perfect tenses (4:00)
Adverbs - Use and placement (6:39)
The Continuous Forms
Present Perfect Continuous (8:09)
Past Perfect Continuous (4:13)
Future Perfect Continuous (4:40)
Future perfect
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